Which famous people have you outlived?

Abdulla Qahhor

Uzbekistani writer

Died when: 60 years 251 days (728 months)
Star Sign: Virgo


Abdulla Qahhor

Abdulla Qahhor (sometimes spelled Abdulla Kahhar in English) (Uzbek: Abdulla Qahhor, ??????? ??????) (September 17, 1907 – May 25, 1968) was an Uzbek novelist, short story writer, poet, playwright, and literary translator.

He is best remembered as the author of the 1951 novel Qo?shchinor chiroqlari (The Lights of Qo?shchinor) and the 1958 story Sinchalak.

In addition to writing numerous short stories and novels, Qahhor translated the works of many famous Russian writers, such as Alexander Pushkin, Anton Chekhov, and Nikolai Gogol into the Uzbek language.

In particular, he translated The Captain's Daughter of Pushkin, Marriage and The Government Inspector of Gogol, and, together with his wife Kibriyo Qahhorova, War and Peace of Leo Tolstoy.

Qahhor is considered to be one of the best Uzbek writers of the 20th century and has been called the "Chekhov" of Uzbeks.

He received the prestigious State Stalin Prize in 1952 and a National Writer of the Uzbek SSR award in 1967.In 2000, Qahhor was posthumously awarded the National Order of Merit (Uzbek: Buyuk xizmatlari uchun), one of independent Uzbekistan's most prestigious awards.

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