Which famous people have you outlived?

Andrzej Zawada

Mountain climber

Died when: 72 years 36 days (865 months)
Star Sign: Cancer


Andrzej Zawada

Andrzej Zawada (born Maria Andrzej Zawada; 16 July 1928 – 21 August 2000) was a Polish mountaineer, pioneer of winter Himalayism.Zawada was an organiser and leader in numerous high-mountains expeditions.

Author of movies and photographs from expeditions, co-author of Alpinist books.Honorary member of the British Alpine Club, French and American The Explorers Club.

Grandson of Tomasz Rawicz-Zawada young participant of January Uprising in 1863.Son of Filip Rawicz Zawada, Polish legionnaire and consul.Zawada studied physics and geophysics in Wroclaw and Warsaw.

Received an engineer's degree in seismology.In 1955–1993 he worked at the Institute of Geophysics of the Polish Academy of Sciences.

Amongst climbers he is known for his phrase: "Tell me, what you did in the winter in the Tatras, and I'll tell you what climber you are".

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