Which famous people have you outlived?

Vladimir Bukovsky

Soviet dissident

Died when: 76 years 301 days (921 months)
Star Sign: Capricorn


Vladimir Bukovsky

Vladimir Konstantinovich Bukovsky (Russian: ?????´??? ?????????´????? ????´?????; 30 December 1942 – 27 October 2019) was a Russian-born British human rights activist and writer.From the late 1950s to the mid-1970s, he was a prominent figure in the Soviet dissident movement, well known at home and abroad.

He spent a total of twelve years in the psychiatric prison-hospitals, labour camps, and prisons of the Soviet Union.After being expelled from the Soviet Union in late 1976, Bukovsky remained in vocal opposition to the Soviet system and the shortcomings of its successor regimes in Russia.

An activist, a writer, and a neurophysiologist, he is celebrated for his part in the campaign to expose and halt the political abuse of psychiatry in the Soviet Union.

A member of the international advisory council of the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation, a director of the Gratitude Fund (set up in 1998 to commemorate and support former dissidents), and a member of the International Council of the New York City-based Human Rights Foundation, Bukovsky was a Senior Fellow of the Cato Institute in Washington, D.C.

In 2001, Vladimir Bukovsky received the Truman-Reagan Medal of Freedom, awarded annually since 1993 by the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation.

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