Which famous people have you outlived?

Carl Moritz Gottsche

German botanist

Died when: 84 years 87 days (1010 months)
Star Sign: Cancer


Carl Moritz Gottsche

Carl Moritz Gottsche (3 July 1808 – 28 September 1892) was a German physician and bryologist born in Altona.He was the father of geologist Carl Christian Gottsche (1859-1909).

Gottsche was a leading authority of Hepaticae.With Christian Gottfried Daniel Nees von Esenbeck (1776-1858) and Johann Bernhard Wilhelm Lindenberg (1781-1851), he was author of Synopsis Hepaticarum (1844-47), which was a landmark work in the field of hepaticology.

In 1881 he received an honorary doctorate in philosophy from the University of Kiel.The botanical genera of liverworts;Gottschea in the family Schistochilaceae is named after him, as well as Gottschelia, which is in the family Cephaloziellaceae.

The standard author abbreviation Gottsche is used to indicate this person as the author when citing a botanical name.

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