Carl Sigismund Kunth
German botanist
Died when: 61 years 277 days (741 months)Star Sign: Gemini

Carl Sigismund Kunth (18 June 1788 – 22 March 1850), also Karl Sigismund Kunth or anglicized as Charles Sigismund Kunth, was a German botanist.He is known for being one of the first to study and categorise plants from the American continents, publishing Nova genera et species plantarum quas in peregrinatione ad plagam aequinoctialem orbis novi collegerunt Bonpland et Humboldt (7 vols., Paris, 1815–1825).
Born in Leipzig, Kunth became a merchant's clerk in Berlin in 1806.After meeting Alexander von Humboldt, who helped him attend lectures at the University of Berlin, Kunth became interested in botany.
Kunth worked as Humboldt's assistant in Paris from 1813 to 1819.He classified plants that had been collected by Humboldt and Aimé Bonpland during their journey through the Americas.
When Kunth returned to Berlin in 1820, he became Professor of Botany at the University of Berlin, as well as the Vice President of the Berlin botanical garden.
In 1829, he was elected member of the Academy of Sciences in Berlin.In 1829, he sailed for South America, and over the following three years visited Chile, Peru, Brazil, Venezuela, Central America, and the West Indies.
After his death in 1850, the government of the Prussian acquired his botanical collection, which later formed part of the Royal Herbarium in Berlin.
An endemic Hawaiian fern species, Gaudichaud, which is a member of the fern family Blechnaceae, is named after him.The standard author abbreviation Kunth is used to indicate this person as the author when citing a botanical name. * Note: Kunth = C.S.
Kunth;H.B.K. = Humboldt, Bonpland & Kunth