Raden Adipati Aria Muharam Wiranatakusumah
Indonesian politician
Died when: 76 years 55 days (913 months)Star Sign: Sagittarius

Raden Aria Adipati Wiranatakusumah V (Old Spelling: Raden Aria Adipati Wiranatakoesoemah V; 23 November 1888 – 22 January 1965), commonly shortened to R.A.A.
Wiranatakusumah V or just as Wiranatakusumah V, was an Indonesian politician who served as the first and only Wali Negara of Pasundan, during the Indonesian National Revolution.
He was also the first Minister of Home Affairs of Indonesia and the second Chairman of the Supreme Advisory Council.
He was born on 23 November 1888.He was educated at the Europeesche Lagere School (ELS), the Hogere Burgerschool (HBS), and later the Opleiding School Voor Inlandsche Ambtenaren (OSVIA).
His first career in government began when he was a clerk at Wedana Tanjungsari, Sumedang in 1910.One year later, he became a Police Mantri in Cibadak, Sukabumi, and continued with the same position in Sukapura, Tasikmalaya.
In 1912, he became Assistant Wedana of Obeureum, Tasikmalaya, before being appointed Regent of Cianjur from 1912 to 1920, and Regent of Bandung from 1920 to 1931 and again from 1935 to 1945.
Following the Proclamation of Independence on 17 August 1945, he was appointed by President Sukarno to the office of Minister of Home Affairs of Indonesia, and was later appointed the Chairman of the Supreme Advisory Council.
In 1948, he was narrowly elected head of state, or Wali Negara, of the newly created state of Pasundan, with Adil Poeradiredja, being elected prime minister.
He was opposed to the creation of the state, but agreed to serve as Wali Negara at the insistence of the people of West Java and the Indonesian government based in Yogyakarta, despite being ill at the time.
On 27 December 1949, the state of Pasundan was the first to rejoin the Republic of Indonesia, and on 8 March 1950, the state itself was dissolved, with Wiranatakusumah V giving up his mandate.
Following the end of Pasundan, he remained active in politics.He became a member of the Indonesian Islamic Union Party (PSII), and lead the West Java branch of the PSII.
In 1955, he was elected to the Constitutional Assembly following the 1955 Constitutional Assembly election, he served until the assembly's dissolution in 1959.
He died on 22 January 1965.