Dragan Sakan
Died when: 60 years 76 days (722 months)Star Sign: Cancer

Dragan Sakan (19 July 1950 – 3 October 2010), was an advertising pioneer of Serbia and other countries in the region.The magazine Advertising Age, Washington described him as "almost a mythical figure...
The man who transformed propaganda into advertising in the region".He was a founder of the advertising agency New Moment New Ideas Company, one of the most awarded agencies in the Balkans, today successfully led by his sons, Žarko Sakan and .
He introduced international standards in the field of advertising and design and was one of the first copywriters and creative directors in Eastern and Central Europe.
Sakan was a president and a member of numerous advertising festival juries both in Europe and worldwide; a regular jury member of Cresta – IAA, New York Festivals, Epica Awards, and a member of The Advertising Club of New York.
He was a creator and a producer of many projects in various domains of human spirit expression – Council for New Thinking, BeogrAD festival, Art Director Club Serbia, New Moment magazine for art and advertising, New Moment Ideas Gallery, Ideas Campus (European School of Ideas, New Moment) and was also an honorary partner of Edward de Bono in the World Innovation Museum Project.
Several books talk about Dragan Sakan – Kako smo uspjeli: 13 legendi jugoslovenskog biznisa (How We Succeeded: 13 Legends of Yugoslav Business), Najsvetliji duhovi Srbije (The Brightest Spirits of Serbia), Kultni likovi Beograda (The Iconic Figures of Belgrade), Ko je ko u Srbiji (Who is Who in Serbia).
He is the author of three books – Pretty Woman (1996), New Communication (2005), New Idea Woman – My Profession is Dragan Sakan (2010).