Which famous people have you outlived?

Liubov Gurevich

Russian writer

Died when: 73 years 351 days (887 months)
Star Sign: Scorpio


Liubov Gurevich

Liubov Yakovlevna Gurevich (Russian: ????´?? ?´???????? ????´???;November 1, 1866, Saint Petersburg – October 17, 1940, Moscow) was a Russian editor, translator, author, and critic.She has been described as "Russia's most important woman literary journalist." From 1894 to 1917 she was the publisher and chief editor of the monthly journal The Northern Herald (Severny Vestnik), a leading Russian symbolist publication based in Saint Petersburg.

The journal acted as a rallying-point for the Symbolists Dmitry Merezhkovsky, Zinaida Gippius, Fyodor Sologub, Nikolai Minsky, and Akim Volynsky.

In 1905 she joined the Moscow Art Theatre (MAT) as a literary advisor.She worked as an advisor and editor for the seminal Russian theatre practitioner Konstantin Stanislavski for the next 30 years and influenced his writing more than anyone else.

Gurevich and Stanislavski had been writing to one another since the MAT's first tour to St Petersburg and became close friends.

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