Which famous people have you outlived?

Karl Christian Friedrich Krause

German philosopher

Died when: 51 years 144 days (616 months)
Star Sign: Taurus


Karl Christian Friedrich Krause

Karl Christian Friedrich Krause (German: ['k?a?z?]; 6 May 1781 – 27 September 1832) was a German philosopher whose doctrines became known as Krausism.

Krausism, when considered in its totality as a complete, stand-alone philosophical system, had only a small following in Germany, France, and Belgium, in contradistinction to certain other philosophical systems (such as Hegelianism) that had a much larger following in Europe at that time.

However, Krausism became very popular and influential in Restoration Spain not as a complete, comprehensive philosophical system per se, but as a broad cultural movement.

In Spain, Krausism was known as "Krausismo", and Krausists were known as "Krausistas".Outside of Spain, the Spanish Krausist cultural movement was referred to as Spanish Krausism.

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