Which famous people have you outlived?

Constantin Fehrenbach

German politician

Died when: 74 years 74 days (890 months)
Star Sign: Capricorn


Constantin Fehrenbach

Constantin Fehrenbach, sometimes falsely, Konstantin Fehrenbach (11 January 1852 – 26 March 1926), was a German Catholic politician who was one of the major leaders of the Centre Party or Zentrum.

He served as the president of the Reichstag in 1918, and then as the president of the Weimar National Assembly from 1919 to 1920.

In June 1920, Fehrenbach became the chancellor of Germany.He resigned in May 1921 over the issue of war reparation payments to the Allies.

Fehrenbach headed the Centre Party's Reichstag fraction from 1923 until his death in 1926.

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