Which famous people have you outlived?

Erwin Griswold

American lawyer

Died when: 90 years 128 days (1084 months)
Star Sign: Cancer


Erwin Griswold

Erwin Nathaniel Griswold (/'gr?zw??ld, -w?ld/;July 14, 1904 – November 19, 1994) was an American appellate attorney who argued many cases before the U.S.

Supreme Court.Griswold served as Solicitor General of the United States (1967–1973) under Presidents Lyndon B.Johnson and Richard M.Nixon.

He also served as the dean of Harvard Law School for 21 years.Several times he was considered for appointment to the U.S.

Supreme Court.During a career that spanned more than six decades, he served as member of the U.S.Commission on Civil Rights and as president of the American Bar Foundation.

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