Rouzan al-Najjar
Palestinian nurse
Died when: 20 years 261 days (248 months)Star Sign: Virgo

Rouzan Ashraf Abdul Qadir al-Najjar (Arabic: ????? ????? ??? ?????? ??????Rouzan 'Ashraf 'Abd al-Qadir an-Najjar; 13 September 1997 – 1 June 2018) was a Palestinian nurse/paramedic who was killed by the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) while volunteering as a medic during the 2018 Gaza border protests.
She was fatally hit by a bullet shot by an Israeli soldier as she tried to help evacuate the wounded near Israel's border fence with Gaza.
The IDF first denied that she was targeted, while not ruling out that she may have been hit by indirect fire.
Israeli human rights group B'Tselem said that al-Najjar was shot intentionally.The eldest of six children born to Ashraf al-Najjar, she was a resident of Khuzaa, a village near the border with Israel.
The IDF released footage in which she purportedly admitted to participating in the protests as a human shield at the request of Hamas.
The video was later found to be a clip from an interview with a Lebanese television station that had been edited by the IDF to take al-Najjar's comments out of context.
In the unedited video, she didn't mention Hamas and called herself a "rescuing human shield to protect and save the wounded at the front lines", with everything following "human shield" trimmed out of the Israeli clip.
The IDF was widely criticized for tampering with the video in order to chip away at her image.According to witness testimony, al-Najjar was shot after she and other medics, walking with their hands up and wearing white vests, approached the border fence in order to treat a wounded protester.
A UN investigation, the results of which were published late February 2019, concluded that Israel may have committed war crimes in its response to the Gaza protests, saying that dozens of children, two journalists and three paramedics, including al-Najjar, were killed by Israeli soldiers despite the fact that they were easily identifiable as such and did not pose any threat to the Israelis.