Georg Weber
German historian
Died when: 80 years 182 days (966 months)Star Sign: Aquarius
Georg Weber (10 February 1808 in Bad Bergzabern – 10 August 1888 in Heidelberg) was a German historian.He studied at Erlangen.In 1839, he became a teacher at the upper Bürgerschule in Heidelberg, and from 1848 to 1872 was its director.
Among Weber's historical publications may be mentioned:
* Geschichtliche Darstellung des Calvinismus im Verhältniss zum Staat in Genf und Frankreich bis zur Aufhebung des Edikts von Nantes, 1836 – Historical background of Calvinism in relationship to the state in Geneva and France up until the repeal of the Edict of Nantes. * Weltgeschichte in übersichtlicher Darstellung – later translated into English and published as Outlines of universal history from the creation of the world to the present time (1851). * Geschichte des Volkes Israel und der Entstehung des Christenthums (History of the people of Israel and the emergence of Christianity, with Heinrich Julius Holtzmann, 1867). * Allgemeine Weltgeschichte (Basic world history; 15 volumes, 2nd edition 1882–89). * Geschichte der deutschen Literatur von ihren Anfängen bis zur Gegenwart (History of German literature from its beginnings to the present; 11th edition, 1880).