Which famous people have you outlived?

Lorrin A. Thurston

Hawaiian politician

Died when: 72 years 284 days (873 months)
Star Sign: Leo


Lorrin A. Thurston

Lorrin Andrews Thurston (July 31, 1858 – May 11, 1931) was an American lawyer, politician, and businessman born and raised in the Kingdom of Hawai?i.

Thurston played a prominent role in the Overthrow of the Hawaiian Kingdom that replaced Queen Lili?uokalani with the Republic of Hawaii, dominated by American interests.

He published the Pacific Commercial Advertiser (a forerunner of the present-day Honolulu Star-Advertiser), and owned other enterprises.From 1906 to 1916 he and his network lobbied with national politicians to create a National Park to preserve the Hawaiian Volcanoes.

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